The Growth Mindset and Our Lives
Who am I?
Hello, my name is Austin! I am in my 20’s and stay here in the Magic City, Birmingham Alabama! I have been working from home for about a year and a half and honestly things have been interesting. With all this free time I have been able to focus more on things like my family, hobbies, and working toward my goals! Most recently, my time has been dedicated to furthering my career at work and at home while juggling the new dad role! Honestly, it keeps me busy and out of trouble. Balancing finances, improving my business, and striving to work my way up the corporate ladder while making sure I am prepared for my first born was not very encouraging at first. It has been a bit of a bumpy road but with time and the right mind set I have been able to make it through the good and bad days. I still have a lot of obstacles to make it through but keeping your head up can take you a long way!
What is the Growth Mindset?
The Growth mindset can be viewed a little differently by everyone. What I believe to be the key to it all, is working hard for what you want and not giving up if it takes longer to get there! As humans, we have always had the ability to adapt and learn from our actions and others. I feel that as society began to develop more towards comfortability, people choose to be more reliant on others when times are hard rather than trying to accomplish a task alone. Having a growth mindset is not only good for completing goals but also can be beneficial to ones mental health. While completing tasks, you not only have the relief of getting the job done but also have a feeling of accomplishment or self worth. This can be very vital especially if you are going through more difficult times in life where you do not feel as significant as you would like. Completing a hard project at work or fixing something around the house that you never done before can feel great! Knowing that you were able to overcome an obstacle can drive you to be more confident in similar situations in the future or even help you find what you love to do! It may take a few tries, but anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it!
- Here are 3 points I remember daily to stay in a growth mindset:
1. Keep moving forward! No matter the difficulty of a situation, you can push through if you
never give up! You may fail the first few times but there is plenty of time to improve!
2. Be Curious! Don't be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions. This is key to improving
yourself and your work everyday! We like to think we know it all but learning from others
can help prevent extra back work.
3. Stay on track and having a plan! Many of us are very busy and can have a hard time
keeping up with everything that we need to do in the day. Planning out your work load can
help you stay on track with all task while keeping you organized. This also allows you
to be able to work more efficiently, since you now have a dedicated time for each project,
meeting, etc!
Day in to day out I keep these on my mind so I can be the best that I know I can be! Keeping your self open to new things can be a little difficult but it is all about how much you want change and what you will do to influence it. Keeping one’s self in the growth mindset has been able to improve many lives in all aspects, not just through work. Here is a link that helped me and may help you see how you can benefit from a growth mindset!