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Using Git in a Terminal

What is Git?

Before we dive into how to use git, let’s get a better understanding. Git is a distributed version control system that can be operated through a terminal. A version control system keeps records of changes that you make in a file over time, “commits”. This allows you to be able to go through any commits made to a repository so that you can recall specific edits later if needed. Git allows you to pull your repository from online to your os and so much more when developing a website.

Since git allows us to save all files to a computer before uploading newly edited text to a site, you are able to make changes before hand on any errors or new ideas. This also allows you to work on projects while not having to be connected to the internet or a specific network. Although we are going to be working through a terminal, git is fairly easy to get the hang of!

Developing a Site through Terminal with Git


Starting off

First things first, we need to make sure Git is downloaded on your computer. If you so happen to have Git on your computer, make sure it is up to date with the latest version available!

>Mac OS



Claiming your work

Now that we haves Git installed, we need to enter in your user information to mark all the changes you make especially when making commits.

Type the following into Terminal or Command Line:

git config --global "Your name"

git config --global ""

To make sure you entered everything correctly in settings, enter the following command:

git config --global (should return Your name)

git config --global (should return

*After completing this, you can run the git config --list to see of your changes were saved. Also, it would be best to connect what ever text editor that you are using so it can be opened from the terminal. Depending on the os and text editor, you can find out what git command to use online to tie it in with your terminal!

Getting Started with your Repository


Alright, since we have terminal all set up with git and linked to your text editor we need to get your repository up and running to make changes. There are two ways you can go from here to get your repository set up in terminal. We can either clone an existing repository from the web or we can import an existing file off your os into git.


Starting off, we will need to make sure we are in the right directory before importing to git. You can change your directory and then run the initiate command to create a new subdirectory.

$ cd yourfilename (cd = change directory)


$ git init

Now we need to make sure your changes are being tracked! To start tracking these files, perform an initial commit by typing the following:

$ git add *.c
$ git add LICENSE
$ git commit -m “any message here”


If you are wanting to pull a repository off line then cloning is the way to go! It is simple as running the clone command with a repository’s URL! Before cloning the file make sure you are in the directory you are wanting to save it to.

$ git clone https://yourrepositors.url

After running this command, you officially cloned the file and all of its contents. Git creates all of this in the working directory chosen as a .git file.

Saving your changes

Now you have succesfully added the repository to your os and can start edding each file as you would please! Wether developing a page through a external text edditor or the edditor in your terminal, you will need to make sure to save your changes. Once you have everything the way you would like, you would need to commit to the changes and push them to the origin. If you are working on a repository through github particularly, you should be able to go to the site url and see the changes made!

> More Git Commands:
Command Action
git status Displays the state of files
git add yourfilename Will intiate git to track changes in the file
git add * Will intiate git to track changes in all file
git commit -m “yourtext” Will commit changes with the comment “yourtext”
git commit -a Commits all changes
git push origin master Will push your commits to your website

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